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Shop Four Columns

School for Witches / Pendulums
Pendulum Workshop sml



Zoom invite will be sent on the day of the workshop.
PDF session notes are attached.


Tutor led – 2 hour workshop run via Zoom.

Pendulums are a wonderful form of divination that has been used for centuries. Working with a pendulum is a form of dowsing. Pendulums or dowsers are another tool, much like crystals, tarot and scrying that seem quite random and unexplainable, but that achieve extraordinary results.

A pendulum is an extension of your intuition and a wonderful way to sources answers, that is yes and no responses to individual personal questions.

Historically, dowsing has been used to locate water, precious metals, oil wells and other minerals, but it has also been used to assist in life and death situations. In France in particular, doctors have used pendulums to help them determine illness and to then assist them to make appropriate diagnoses.  The French are very forward thinking medically and are much more inclined to allow spiritual practices to be included in the treating of and working with their clients.  The actual process of using a pendulum is considered throughout Europe as an official science known as Radiesthesia. Many complementary therapists and healers use pendulums to detect imbalances, blockages, allergies and many other ailments.

Your PDF session notes have been attached to your purchase, and a zoom invite will be sent on the day of the workshop.

You will need a pendulum, or a necklace with a good-sized pendant to act as a pendulum for this session. So come along and join in the fun and explore the wonderful world of dowsing using a pendulum.

We look forward to seeing you on the day.


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