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School for Witches / Group Hypnosis – Single Session
Hypno - Single Session

Group Hypnosis – Single Session


For one session only.
Zoom invite will be sent on the day of the session.




These sessions are deeply relaxing, restorative, rejuvenating and really help individuals to take that all-important time out for themselves. Come along and switch off, unwind, breath and tune into your body. Run once a fortnight for a full 60 minutes of blissful relaxation per session.

We get so busy and caught up in the stresses of day to day life, that we forget to be still, to consciously breathe, to honour ourselves. Life has got a lot more stressful since the onset of the COVID virus, and many of us are struggling to keep our mental heath in check. These sessions can really help you to process life in a healthy way.

This is an amazing time out, wonderful sessions that also include mindfulness techniques. These sessions are designed for adults (Persons 18 years or older). Children’s sessions can be arranged upon request.

The British Mental Health Foundation did a UK-wide stress survey which found that almost three quarters of adults (74%) have at some point over the past year felt so stressed that they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope. This info was taken before the virus hit our world.


Mental Health Foundation Director Isabella Goldie said:

“Millions of us around the UK are experiencing high levels of stress and it is damaging our health. Stress is one of the great public health challenges of our time, but it still isn’t being taken as seriously as physical health concerns. Stress is a significant factor in mental health problems including anxiety and depression. It is also linked to physical health problems like heart disease, problems with our immune system, insomnia and digestive problems.

These sessions will assist you with working through and releasing anxiety and stress from your mind, body and energy system.

Group hypnotherapy sessions offer a normal, standard hypnotherapy style session (usually £45 per hour) at group session rates of £10 per session.

The first session commences on Tuesday March 2nd at 1930 and they will proceed fortnightly from there. You can join at any stage as these session will be ongoing.

There are no refunds on sessions that you are unable to attend, if you are unable to attend a session a copy of the audio recording will be sent to you via WeTransfer. We will always endeavour to do this within 24 hours.

Hypnotherapy and guided meditation are wonderful gentle healers, however, trance work is not suitable for all individuals. Please understand that there are certain medical contra indicators that may exclude an individual from being eligible to attend these sessions. Such indicators may include but not be limited to Epilepsy, severe mental health issues, personality disorders, and some medications. If you are unsure if these sessions would be right for you, please contact us via email prior to purchasing. lifecycletherapies@hotmail.com

By paying for your session now, you assert that you are not subjected to any contra indicators that may affect you having a hypnotherapy session. Please understand that we will not take any responsibility, you assume all responsibility for your own well being and outcomes form these sessions.

Your session will start at the closest session date to the date of your purchase.

We look forward to having you along.


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